Hi, I'm

Marilu Chacon

Front-end developer based in New Jersey

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Featured project which my best projects be choice to show

Hobbie project preview

Hobbie Project

CrossFit stands out as my chosen hobby due to its alignment with the qualities essential for success in front-end development. Embracing CrossFit demonstrates my commitment to discipline, perseverance, and continuous improvement—traits crucial in coding. Moreover, the collaborative environment of CrossFit workouts highlights my ability to work effectively in teams, a skill indispensable in the collaborative world of software development.

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Weather App

Creating a weather app epitomizes my prowess as a front-end developer, showcasing my ability to merge functionality with user-centric design. Through intuitive interfaces and real-time data integration, the app provides users with accurate weather forecasts at their fingertips. Employing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I ensured seamless interaction and responsiveness, underscoring my capability to deliver engaging and efficient user experiences in web development.

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weather project preview
poem generator preview

Poem Generator

Developing an AI Christian Poem Generator exemplifies my front-end developer skills by merging cutting-edge technology with spiritual creativity. Utilizing JavaScript and machine learning algorithms, I crafted an interface where users can generate unique poems inspired by Christian themes. The project underscores my ability to innovate in web development while respecting and integrating religious content, showcasing versatility and sensitivity in my work.

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